A methodical introduction to the understanding and usage of jazz chords on piano.Over the years, many non-pianists ( i.e. musicianswho do not use the piano as their main instrument) have tried to transfer the principles of traditional triads and tetrachords to jazz chords – with varying degrees of success.

With the book “Jazz Chords on Piano” Tormod Vinsand gives you some guidelines that may help demystify the process of making a piano arrangement with melody and jazz chords.

The reader will get tools making it possible to create a piano arrangement, which will adequately include the melodics, harmonics and rhythm of a composition.
The book is not meant to be a school in jazz piano – but more an introduction into the work with jazz harmonics and melody playing of a piano arrangement.

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This book is a follow-up on Jazz Chords on Piano (Edition Wilhelm Hansen 2017) and it is definitely an advantage if you have familiarised yourself with the techniques and terms used in Jazz Chords on Piano.

There are many ways in which to play jazz on a piano. In Jazz Chords on Piano I describe some guidelines for how to prepare accompaniment and melody playing, but admittedly, there are of course many other ways to play or other techniques to use.

In Jazz Chords on Piano – 2 I have chosen to focus
on four typical techniques:

Part 1 – Playing Arpeggio in left hand
Part 2 – 4-stacked chords in a piano movement
Part 3 – Left-hand chords
Part 4 – Overlying triads when accompanying

To illustrate the various techniques, I have made compositions that are stylistically adjusted so that the various techniques make musical sense and are playable.

The overall basis of the book is standard jazz, which means jazz with its harmonic basis in II – V – I connections.

The book’s tunes are recorded by the composer himself and can be accessed via the web.

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Also available as e-book!